About minitheshygal

A girl who loves to read and write. i love to watch cartoons ... still have my imaginary friends. Giving up is not part of my dictionary. i am the best version of me that God has given to the world

THEORY OF CHANGE – Wilsen Initiative (Wi)

Wilsen Initiative

We see a problem in our society, where many young people lack opportunities, knowledge and mentors to develop their very personal skills and talents to the best possible degree they want them to boost their social economic well being. This problem can be understood across five main subjects; Access to quality education, employability skills, skills and Knowledge transfer, lifelong learning and emerging digital gaps.

We work directly with individual experts and companies both local & international and volunteers in training & building the capacity of our target group across the five main subjects. Our work is aligned towards training that focuses on 21st century skills (Collaboration, Teamwork, Creativity, Imagination, Critical thinking and Problem solving) that provides a holistic training that will help youth in their chosen careers.

OUR MANDATE: We aspire to mentor self-confident young people who inspire positive social change in the society using their talents…

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Should Writers Be Paid?


The year was 2015. December.

My contract at a hotel I had been working at in the Front Office Department for 3 months had just ended. They were not in a position to renew it and so, I had to move on.

Magazine Contributor!! The idea screamed at me.

I knew I could write. I mean, I had always written from childhood. Fiction mostly. In my 20s, I began doing articles in addition to the Fiction I wrote. At 23, I started a blog on WordPress, at the advice of a friend, after someone pretended they would feature an article of mine on their new magazine’s first issue.

That never came to be despite submitting several articles to that effect and seeing what I thought was the original magazine issue. Maybe I had just been duped or conned or whichever of the two applies here but it sure hurt as…

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Lazy Journalism

Some time back  I had a comment from a  media consultant during one of the morning breakfast  shows who said that the current journalist is lazy and do not even have a clear understanding of what journalism is all about. According to him, the current journalism was all about copy pasting a story from a press release or just from a social site and calling that news that they had gathered. Continue reading